We offer students a private education that is both classical and Christian.
It is classical in that the early years are spent absorbing information and laying the foundation for advanced study later.
Classical, Christian education teaches students how to think critically, write and speak persuasively, and apply their trained minds to reclaiming knowledge for Christ. Dorothy Sayers, an Oxford professor, outlined the classical model of learning in her 1947 speech, “The Lost Tools of Learning” encouraging educators to pursue this time-tested method. The classical model occurs in three stages of learning known as the trivium, which is Latin for “three roads.” The Trivium is the foundation of a Classical Education and comprises three phases of learning. Phase 1 – the Grammar Stage teaches young children knowledge, Phase 2 – the Logic Stage teaches teens understanding, and Phase 3 – the Rhetoric Stage teaches young adults wisdom.
Heritage Christian Academy currently offers educational programs for students in Pre-K through Class 8 that encompass the first 2 phases of the Trivium, the Grammar Stage and the Logic Stage. Our curriculum is carefully chosen and regularly reviewed to ensure we stay true to the classical, Christian model of education. At Heritage, our advanced curriculum sets the academic bar high, but when students are provided with a learning environment that is structured, challenging, and supportive, they can thrive and achieve at high levels.
Another feature of classical education is that it links fields of knowledge.
As students study the ancients, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Reformation, and the modern times in history class, they read works from these same time periods in their literature class. Science class follows the same pattern by studying classification and the human body (subjects known to the ancients), earth science and astronomy (which were popular during the Renaissance), and chemistry, physical science, and computer science (which are modern subjects). The science curriculum utilizes a hands-on approach, which enables the students to acquire an in-depth understanding of the world in which they live through a direct encounter with the wonders and laws of God’s creation.
Heritage also provides a Christian education.
Required daily Bible readings mean that students read the entire Bible twice during their eight years at Heritage; in-class discussion ensures that they understand the readings and how they apply to daily life. A weekly chapel service allows the student body to worship together in song, Bible study, and prayer. We promote a biblical worldview by teaching that the primary reason for our existence is to love and serve God, that the Bible is infallible, and that the Word of God should be the foundation of everything we say and do. This biblical worldview is incorporated into every field of study.
School of Grammar (PK-5)
Our School of Grammar develops student confidence through a strong foundation in the building blocks of language arts and math.
School of Logic (6th-8th)
Our School of Logic curriculum complements the student’s rapid intellectual and emotional development by providing a smooth transition between the School of Grammar and the more advanced pace of the High School years.
Elevating that which is true, good, and excellent.

649 Barr Road
Lexington, SC 29072